Microblading: What is it, the benefits, what to expect & more.

In the world of beauty, few features hold as much power as the eyebrows. They frame our face, convey emotion, and add depth to our expressions. However, achieving flawless brows can often feel like an elusive goal. Enter microblading – the revolutionary technique that promises to transform sparse, uneven brows into perfectly sculpted works of art. In this comprehensive guide, we delve deep into the world of microblading, exploring its benefits, who is suitable, healing process, and more.

Microblading is a permanent makeup procedure used to enhance the appearance of eyebrows. The process involves manually depositing pigment into the upper layers of the skin using a handheld tool with fine needles, creating hair-like strokes that mimic the natural brow hairs. While microblading is still considered a tattoo since it involves implanting pigment into the skin, it does differ slightly from other permanent makeup treatments. This tool is called a microblade and is unlike a traditional eyebrow tattooing device which uses a rotary machine to power the needles. Microblading is great for achieving fine hair strokes, whereas the machine can be used to create hair strokes or shaded ombre brows. The goal of microblading is to define, shape, and fill in sparse or uneven eyebrows, resulting in a fuller, more symmetrical, and aesthetically pleasing brow appearance.

Quick Facts: 

  • Natural looking results

  • Low maintenance 

  • Created with a manual tool

  • Average price - £250

2. What are the benefits of microblading?

Microblading offers several benefits, making it a popular choice for individuals looking to enhance their eyebrow appearance:

  • Improved Appearance and Confidence Boost: Microblading creates natural-looking, well-defined eyebrows, boosting self-confidence and reducing the need for daily makeup application.

  • Time-saving in Daily Makeup Routine: With microblading, you wake up with perfectly shaped brows, saving time on filling in or shaping them with makeup each day.

  • Long-lasting Results: While results vary, microblading typically lasts up to 2 years, depending on factors such as skin type, lifestyle, and aftercare, providing a low maintenance solution for your brow routine.

  • Natural-Looking Eyebrows: The meticulous technique of microblading allows for the creation of realistic, hair-like strokes, resulting in eyebrows that look natural and blend seamlessly with existing hair.

  • Customisation: Microblading artists can tailor the shape, thickness, and colour of the brows to suit each individual's facial features and preferences, ensuring personalised, natural looking and flattering results.

  • Stress-free Solution: Unlike eyebrow pencils or powders, which require daily application and may smudge or fade throughout the day, microblading provides a solution for hassle-free brows that won’t smudge, wash off or fade

  • Versatility: Microblading can address various eyebrow concerns, including sparse brows, unevenness, gaps, or asymmetry, making it suitable for a wide range of individuals seeking eyebrow enhancement.

3. How long does microblading last?

The results from your microblading treatment can vary from person to person due to factors such as skin type, lifestyle, and aftercare. On average, microblading results typically last anywhere from 1 to 3 years. However, it's important to note that microblading is considered permanent, meaning that although the pigment gradually fades over time it may stay in the skin indefinitely (even if not visible to the naked eye).

Factors that can affect the longevity of microblading include:

  • Skin Type: Oily skin types may experience faster fading compared to dry or normal skin types. In these cases an ombre brow may be more suitable. 

  • Sun Exposure: Excessive sun exposure can cause the pigment to fade more quickly, so it's essential to protect the treated area with sunscreen.

  • Lifestyle: Activities such as swimming, sauna use, and heavy sweating can also contribute to faster fading of the pigment.

  • Aftercare: Following proper aftercare instructions provided by your microblading artist can help prolong the longevity of your microblading results.

After the initial microblading session, a touch-up appointment is typically recommended 4 to 6 weeks later to perfect the brows and ensure optimal pigment retention. Additionally, periodic touch-up sessions every 12 to 18 months may be necessary to maintain your microblading results.

4. Who is microblading good for?

Microblading is particularly beneficial for: 

  • Those with sparse brows who want to fill in gaps and create the illusion of fuller brows.

  • Balancing asymmetrical brows, as microblading can help restore a more even and symmetrical shape.

  • People who are not happy with the shape or colour of their brows. 

  • People with hectic schedules or limited time for daily makeup routines, microblading offers the convenience of waking up to perfectly groomed brows

  • Active people who love exercise, as microblading provides a smudge-proof, sweat-proof solution for great brows. 

  • People who have suffered hair loss, whether through alopecia, chemotherapy, natural hair loss etc.

5. Who isn’t suitable for microblading?

While microblading is a safe and effective procedure for many, there are certain individuals who may not be suitable candidates due to various factors. These include:

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women

  • People with some autoimmune diseases

  • People currently undergoing chemotherapy

  • People with bleeding disorders or who take blood thinning medication

  • People currently taking certain medications such as accutane (or similar)

  • Those with active skin conditions or infections at the treatment site

  • Those with unrealistic expectations or psychological concerns such as body dysmorphia 

It's crucial to consult with a qualified and experienced microblading artist or healthcare professional to assess your suitability for the procedure and address any concerns or medical history that may affect the outcome.

6. How long does the microblading procedure take?

Microblading is a 2 part treatment, the sessions are spaced approximately 5-6 weeks apart. Your first session is usually longer (around 2 to 2.5 hours) as your artist will perform a consultation to discuss your requirements, pigment selection, drawing your new shape in pencil, and then performing the actual procedure. 

Your second session takes roughly an hour, this is to assess how the brows have healed, reinforce any areas that need it and ensure the brows are perfect to last you 12-18 months until you need them topped up.

Quick Tip: Always ensure your microblading artist is licensed, insured and is working in a sterile environment by using disposable gloves and tools whilst performing the treatment. Also be sure to research your artist by checking their client testimonials and images of their work.

7. Does microblading hurt?

Microblading discomfort can vary depending on individual pain tolerance levels and the techniques used by the microblading artist. Overall pain levels are low - while some people may experience minimal discomfort during the procedure, others may find it more uncomfortable. Most clients say it feels similar to having your brows tweezered or threaded. 

During your treatment numbing cream can be applied to minimise any discomfort, however some individuals may still feel sensations such as pressure, scratching, or mild stinging as the microblading artist works on the eyebrows. Some also may feel the urge to sneeze!

Note: Women may feel more sensitive during their periods, so this is something to consider when planning your appointment.

8. How to prepare for microblading.

Prior to your microblading appointment there are a few things you should do:

  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol for 24 hours

  • Avoid taking fish oil, garlic or Vitamin E supplements for 24 hours 

  • Avoid the use of Vitamin A or AHA/BHAs for 1 week

  • Avoid waxing or tinting your brows for 2 weeks

  • Avoid any anti-wrinkle, dermal fillers, laser treatments or other similar treatments for 2 weeks

  • Avoid sun tanning or sun exposure for 2 weeks

Avoiding these things will help ensure your treatment can run smoothly and avoid any issues that could negatively impact your healed results.

9. Microblading: what to expect during the healing process.

During the microblading healing process, it's essential to understand that your eyebrows will go through several stages of healing, each with its own characteristics - the noticeable healing stage lasts around 2 weeks. At first your brows will be darker, you may also experience some redness and/or swelling at the area. This is normal and typically subsides within a few hours to a couple of days. Over the next few days, the microbladed area may darken as the pigment oxidises. You may also notice small scabs or flakes forming on the eyebrows as they heal. They will feel itchy and the colour can look patchy - it's crucial not to pick at or scratch these scabs, as doing so could lead to pigment loss or infection. As the scabs naturally fall off, you may notice that the colour of your eyebrows appears lighter. This is normal and part of the healing process. The final colour of your eyebrows will gradually emerge over the following weeks. 

The complete healing process for microblading typically takes about 4 to 6 weeks. During this time, it's essential to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your microblading artist to ensure optimal results. 

Microblading Aftercare:

  • Avoid excessive exercise for at least 4-5 days

  • Avoid getting the brows wet, including swimming, saunas, steam rooms etc for 2 weeks

  • Avoid getting any makeup or skin care products on the area for 2 weeks

  • Avoid the use of sunbeds or natural sun exposure for 2 weeks

  • Avoid any facials, anti-wrinkle injections or other aesthetic treatments for 2 weeks

  • Always keep the area clean and use ONLY the aftercare products you have been advised to use by your artist for 2 weeks

  • Always follow the instructions given by your artist for optimal results

Overall, patience and proper aftercare are crucial during the microblading healing process. By following your microblading artist's instructions and allowing your eyebrows to heal naturally, you can enjoy beautiful, long-lasting results.

Note: If you have an event coming up such as a wedding or a holiday and you’d like to have your brows done before, make sure you plan your appointment carefully and allow enough time for the brows to heal!

10. Is microblading safe?

When performed by a trained and qualified professional in a clean and sterile environment, microblading is generally considered safe. However, as with any cosmetic procedure, there are risks and potential complications associated with microblading. The highest risk would be an allergic reaction or infection at the treatment site, however these are rare. Your practitioner should do everything they can to mitigate these risks, however it's also important that you properly care for your new brows to avoid infection in the days following your treatment. 

Before deciding to undergo microblading, it's crucial to thoroughly research the procedure, choose a reputable and experienced microblading artist, and discuss any concerns or questions with them. By taking these precautions and selecting a qualified professional, you can minimise the risks associated with microblading and achieve beautiful, natural-looking results.

11. Can microblading be removed?

If you decide you don’t like or no longer want your microbladed brows there are a few ways to lighten and/or remove the pigment... 

Laser Tattoo Removal

Laser is a fast and effective way to get rid of unwanted microblading. The laser breaks down the pigment into smaller molecules, which are then absorbed by the body. Laser works really well, especially for dark or heavily saturated brows. Typically between 2-4 sessions are required (this varies depending on colour, saturation etc). 

Saline Tattoo Removal

Saline is another popular microblading removal method. This involves tattooing in the removal solution which helps to break down the pigment and lift it up and out of the skin. Saline is great because unlike lasers it doesn’t ‘see’ colour. This means that where lasers may struggle with yellow for example, saline can target it. Usually 3-6 sessions are required (this varies depending on colour, saturation etc).

Both removal methods are effective, depending on the case one may be more suitable than the other, or even a combination of both may be required to achieve optimal results.

12. The takeaways

In the pursuit of perfect eyebrows, microblading emerges as a transformative solution, offering natural-looking results and long-lasting benefits. It has the power to enhance not only our appearance but also our confidence and self-esteem, whether you're seeking fuller, more defined eyebrows or simply looking to streamline your daily beauty routine. Microblading can fix small imperfections and give you beautiful brows that won’t smudge or wash off. 

Through this comprehensive guide, we've explored the intricacies of microblading. Remember if you do decide to try this treatment do your research, go to a trained and insured artist with good reviews and a healthy portfolio of work in order to get the best results possible. 

To book your microblading treatment you can visit our online booking system, alternatively if you’re not sure which brow treatment is the best one for you, feel free to contact us for advice.

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