Dermal Filler Guide: What Is It, Why Have Them, Benefits, Aftercare and More.

Dermal Filler Guide: What Is It, Why Have Them, Benefits, Aftercare and More.

Dermal fillers have been around for many years, and are a popular treatment to fight signs of ageing, but despite their popularity there’s still some confusion about what dermal fillers are. Read on to find out everything you need to know about dermal fillers.

Dermal fillers are a gel-like substance that's most commonly derived from Hyaluronic Acid (HA), a substance that naturally occurs within our bodies. There are a huge range of fillers available in a variety of viscosities, which allows us to use fillers in a range of different ways. The filler comes in a syringe and is administered via a needle to add volume, plump lines and create a smoothing effect.

2. Why have dermal fillers?

There are many reasons why someone might decide to try dermal fillers. Most commonly filler is used to plump fine lines and wrinkles which make them a fantastic anti-ageing treatment. As we age our skin naturally loses its elasticity, lines and wrinkles set it and we lose volume on areas such as our cheeks, but dermal fillers can be used to address this. Unfortunately, most women have something in their appearance that they feel self-conscious about, but dermal fillers give us an opportunity to make small changes that help us feel more confident and enhance our appearance. Here’s a list of all the benefits to dermal fillers: 

  • Helps plump fine lines and wrinkles

  • Can be used to balance the face 

  • Can be used to lift and contour the face

  • Can replace volume lost due to age in areas such as the cheeks

  • Can help reduce the appearance of dark under eyes

  • Can achieve a more youthful, refreshed look

  • Treatment is minimally invasive

  • Instant results with little to no down time

  • Safe and effective treatment

  • Fillers are temporary so you can vary your treatment each time

3. What areas can be treated with dermal fillers.

Dermal filler has huge capabilities and whilst it is most commonly used on the face, it can also be used on the body too. Treatments available include: 

  • Smokers lines (lower face)

  • Marionette lines (lower face)

  • Nasolabial lines (lower face)

  • Lips

  • Cheeks

  • Chin 

  • Nose

  • Under eye/ tear trough

  • Jaw

  • Hip dips

  • Buttocks

  • Breasts

Here at Skn Plus we currently offer dermal fillers on the face only. You can read more about lip fillers here.

How much do dermal fillers cost?

The price for dermal fillers will vary depending on the area to be treated, how much filler is being used, what type of filler is used, the practitioner's experience and their location. You could expect to pay anywhere from £120 to £500 or more.

4. What to expect at your dermal filler treatment.

Firstly your practitioner will carry out a medical health check to ensure your suitability for the treatment. Common contraindications that would prevent treatment include, being pregnant or breastfeeding, certain allergies, keloid scarring, and certain medical conditions. Your practitioner should then discuss what the dermal treatment involves, and any risks or side effects you may or may not experience. Next your practitioner should assess the area to be treated and discuss your desired results with you. 1ML of dermal filler is our baseline, depending on the area to be treated more may be required. During this time you will have had some numbing cream applied to the area which will begin to take effect and make you feel more comfortable during the procedure.

After a thorough consultation, your treatment will begin. The numbing cream will be removed, the area will be cleaned and the injection process will begin. This part of the procedure is relatively quick. Once complete, your practitioner will go through dermal filler aftercare and walk you through what to expect during the healing process, and then your treatment will be complete! All in all the appointment usually lasts around 45 minutes.

5. What to expect after dermal fillers.

Immediately after your treatment you may find some localised swelling, bleeding and bruising at the injection site. These can last for a few days, proper pre care and aftercare will minimise any negative effects you experience. You should avoid any extreme facial expressions, touching the treated area, or makeup for the rest of the day following your treatment. Arnica cream or tablets are known to help reduce bruising, and ice packs can help reduce swelling. We also recommend avoiding alcohol for 24 hours, heavy exercise for 2-3 days, extreme temperatures including saunas & sun beds for 7 days, and no swimming for 2 weeks. Bear in mind that swelling can distort the area, so you should be patient and only assess your results once the area is healed.

If you are concerned about anything during your healing process, for example extreme bruising, pain or swelling be sure to reach out to your practitioner for their support.

Note: You will be able to see the effects of your dermal filler treatment immediately, however due to initial swelling you should wait 2-3 weeks to see your final results.

6. Are dermal fillers safe?

Unlike the stories that are often told in the media, dermal fillers are actually a very safe treatment. When they’re performed by a well trained individual who works carefully and cautiously, you’ll experience no negative side effects other than some minor swelling and bruising which are both totally normal with this type of procedure. These usually subside within a matter of days, leaving you with your new plump and beautifully shaped lips. 

As with any treatment there are some more serious risks, however these are very rare. A vascular occlusion is a potential complication where dermal filler compromises blood flow which, if not treated in a timely manner, can lead to necrosis. This complication can happen to even the most cautious and experienced practitioners, but it is imperative you choose a practitioner who is able to recognise the signs of a VO (vascular occlusion) and treat accordingly. Provided the VO is dissolved swiftly, once rectified it will not leave any long term tissue damage

Always be sure to do your research before selecting your practitioner and make sure they have been trained in complication management so that on the off chance you do experience a negative reaction, they are fully equipped to deal with that.

7. Can dermal filler be removed?

In some instances you may require the dermal filler to be removed, this could be for a number of reasons such as migration (a possible side effect where the filler becomes displaced), undesirable result, asymmetry or you have decided that you no longer want the filler. Filler can be dissolved using an enzyme called hyaluronidase which breaks down the product over the course of a few days. This is a quick and effective way to remove unwanted filler, and can be used anywhere on the body where a hyaluronic acid filler has been injected.

Quick Fact: 

If having dermal filler dissolved, you must wait at least 2 weeks before having the area re-filled.

8. How long do dermal fillers last?

This varies from person to person depending on the area that was treated, the body's natural response to the filler, type of filler used, amount of filler, lifestyle etc. Typically your lip fillers or treatments that use a fine filler will last 6-9 months. Treatments such as cheeks, chin and jaw use a thicker filler which often lasts 12+ months.

Factors such as exercise, smoking and sunbeds do tend to deteriorate the filler at a slightly quicker rate. It’s also good practice to keep hydrated after having dermal fillers. The filler is made of hyaluronic acid which attracts water, by keeping hydrated you can enhance and preserve your results.

9. Can you get dermal fillers and anti-wrinkle injections?

Absolutely, the two work very well together! Anti-wrinkle injections will work to paralyse the muscles that cause deep lines and wrinkles to form, and dermal filler will help add volume and plump and static lines and wrinkles that are still visible even when the muscles are relaxed. The two treatments compliment each other perfectly to achieve an overall more refreshed, rejuvenated and youthful look!

10. Are dermal fillers painful?

Numbing is used before the treatment, and the fillers themselves contain lidocaine which is a numbing agent. Whilst we can't guarantee that your treatment will be totally pain free, rest assured that every effort is taken to ensure you are as comfortable as possible. Topical numbing cream will be applied to the area for a short amount of time before your treatment, if you are feeling very nervous you can purchase a topical numbing cream from the pharmacy and apply this 20-30 minutes before your appointment.

Note: You will be more sensitive during your menstrual cycle so bear this in mind when planning your dermal filler appointment.

11. How to prepare for a dermal filler appointment

There are a few things you should do to prepare for your appointment that will help deliver the best results. We advise you to avoid caffeine, alcohol, fish oil, Vitamin E, garlic supplements, st john’s wort, and anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen for at least 24 hours before your appointment. These things can all thin the blood which could result in more bruising and swelling after your treatment. I also advise you to plan your appointment carefully - you should have your dermal filler treatments at least 2 weeks before a holiday or big event to allow enough time for any swelling and bruising to subside.

12. The takeaways

If you’re looking to add volume, fight signs of ageing and achieve a more youthful appearance then dermal filler could be a fantastic option for you. It is very effective as a means of preventing early signs of ageing, especially when combined with other aesthetic treatments such as anti-wrinkle injections, and will help soften static lines and wrinkles giving you a huge confidence boost . The treatment itself is quick, relatively pain free and low maintenance, with top ups only being needed once every 6-9 months. Dermal fillers are safe, but make sure you do your research and find a reputable practitioner who understands the treatment and can manage complications should they arise, so you can be sure you are in good hands. I hope this has answered any questions you had about dermal filler, but if not then please feel free to reach out. 

So, if you’re ready to book in for your dermal filler treatment and start fighting the signs of ageing, then get in touch.

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